Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl Wiki
Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl Wiki

GIR is a reoccurring character from Invader ZIM. He appears as in Zim's moveset in both Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl games, and as an NPC in the Campaign mode of Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl 2.


GIR is the SIR (Standard-issue Information Retrieval) Unit assigned to "assist" Zim in his mission to take over the earth, nobody knows what the "G" in his name stands for. He was built out of materials dug from the trash and was given a paper clip and loose change for a brain. His silly and oftentimes stupid antics tend to get in the way of Zim's plans, but the little robot still loves his master very much. He absolutely adores eating food (despite being a robot) and has a bad habit of making a mess of himself while doing so.

In Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl[]

GIR is featured in Zim's neutral special. When summoned, GIR runs forward until he either collides with an opponent and explodes, falls off the stage or the special is performed again. If the special is performed while GIR is present, GIR will stop moving. If Zim performs a light attack, GIR will jump. If Zim hits GIR with a strong attack, GIR will turn around. As GIR is a projectile, he can be picked up or reflected with a strong attack.

In Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl 2[]

GIR returns in Zim's side special, where he now acts in tandem with Zim, mimicking his movement and some attacks. GIR also appears as a vendor in the Campaign, giving out Power-Ups.


  • In Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl 2, GIR's voice was originally unedited, before a patch changed his voice clips to sound like how they did in Invader ZIM.