Campaign is a single-player story mode featured in Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl 2. It revolves around the player saving the entire Nickelodeon universe from the evil Vlad Plasmius.
One day in Bikini Bottom, SpongeBob was showing Patrick how to blow bubbles. All of a sudden, a star-shaped portal appeared out of nowhere and took Patrick away; leaving SpongeBob distressed. Another portal appears shortly after, with a mysterious voice beckoning SpongeBob to step through it in order to save his friend and help with a greater ordeal. With his options limited, SpongeBob leaped through the portal; leading him on a short quest through various worlds filled with enemies impeding his progress. He soon encounters Patrick, who is being mind-controlled by an unknown force that is forcing him to act evil. After freeing Patrick from the mind-control by fighting him, he eventually ends up facing against King Jellyfish. After his defeat, Vlad Plasmius finally shows himself, and promptly KOs SpongeBob. However, SpongeBob was inexplicably brought back through time before he was defeated, and soon arrived at the Timeless Stardial. The mysterious voice reveals himself to be Clockwork, the master of time. He had brought SpongeBob here to assist in defeating Vlad, who plans to take over the Nickelodeon universe by mind-controlling everyone within it. With the Timeless Stardial and Clockwork's temporal manipulation (assisted by the Time Medallions given to them by Clockwork that allows them to keep items from their runs), everyone who was freed from Vlad's control could take as much time as necessary to defeat Vlad and save the universe.
Eventually, the fighters manage to find Vlad and defeat him in battle. However, he reveals afterwards that he's actually just a clone of the real Vlad, and the universe begins collapsing soon after. Clockwork brings the fighters back to the Stardial before the catastrophe can destroy them, where he admits that he purposely led them to fight a clone in order to see if they were ready to take on the real deal. He also shows a major flaw in Vlad's plan, in that it always leads to the destruction of the universe.
And so, the fighters venture out once again to defeat the real Vlad. After his defeat, Vlad orders the Computer, a device of his own creation, to launch mind-control rays across the universe; initiating the Overhaul Protocol in the process despite the Computer's warnings. Sure enough, the universe implodes again, and Vlad remains baffled at how his plan could fail.
Clockwork returns the fighters to the Stardial again, this time with a plan to disable the Computer entirely and stop Vlad for good. Holding on to an Energy Dampener created by Nora Wakeman, the fighters yet again venture out to fight Vlad a third time. Vlad, remembering their past encounter, attempts to launch the Overhaul Protocol immediately, but the Energy Dampener disables it. Vlad is soon defeated yet again, and Clockwork pulls him into the Stardial. However, the universe somehow begins imploding again, and the fighters are also returned to the Stardial. When they return, Clockwork is mysteriously absent, and Vlad insists that they made a mistake meddling with his plans, and that they will be the ones to pay the price.
Master Splinter expresses concern over Clockwork's absence, and that Vlad may be telling the truth when he says Clockwork won't return everyone home. So, the fighters venture out to find Clockwork and confront him about what's happening. Clockwork, who has fallen under the Computer's mind-control, finds them mid-run. He regains control of himself for a brief moment to try and urge the fighters to stop the machine, but he loses his mind again shortly afterwards, and threatens them to give up and stay in the Stardial until the end of time, for he claims the universe is doomed and that defying him will end badly. The fighters persist, and eventually encounter him again. As his normal self, he warns them that his mind is almost completely taken over, and that they must defeat him in battle in order to save him and the universe. The mind-control fully sets in, and Clockwork officially challenges them to one last battle.
Eventually, the fighters confront the evil Clockwork in his lair, where he explains two flaws regarding Vlad's Computer. For one, the machine doesn't actually control minds - it merely changes their personality to a more aggressive one, and does not instill a need to serve Vlad. As such, Vlad could not create a mind-controlled army with which to take over the universe. The other problem with the machine was the inevitability of it blowing up; causing the destruction of the universe. Clockwork's evil new personality became fond of the destruction this brought, and he planned to reverse time over and over again just to witness it forever, and to keep battling the fighters endlessly as it happens. With all that said, he and the fighters finally engage in battle; the fighters emerging victorious. However, Clockwork then locked the fighters in a time loop and undid all the damage done to himself; ready to fight them again and again. Just when all hope seems lost, a portal appears out of nowhere and shoots a mysterious projectile towards the fighters; freeing them from the time loop and granting them incredible strength. With a single strike, the fighters hit Clockwork hard enough to restore him to his former self. He and the fighters all returned to the Stardial once more, with the Computer finally being destroyed for good.
Back in the Stardial, Clockwork congratulates the heroes for saving the universe. He also explains that the machine was able to take control of him when he wandered outside the Stardial in his attempts to destroy the Computer himself before he brought the fighters here. His evil self kept enjoying watching the universe end over and over, and so he remained in the Stardial to keep himself away from his bad side, along with everyone else. With the universe finally saved, the fighters could finally return home, albeit with no memories of what had transpired so as to prevent it all from happening again.
Gameplay Summary[]
Campaign is a rogue-like adventure, in which you must continuously upgrade yourself through gaining Power-Ups to face a gauntlet of random challenges. Each run has you picking which challenges, shops and free Power-Up selections to face on a map; slowly advancing forward until you reach the Boss at the end. A run is completed after making it through all three increasingly difficult Zones and their respective Bosses, and losing all your stocks at any point means you must start a new run from the beginning.
Main article: Power-Ups
Power-Ups can be obtained from vendors during your runs, which augment your abilities or grant you unique Buffs. Every Power-Up you obtain during a run is lost after it is over.
Main article: Perks
After each run, you can use the Splats you’ve collected to buy Perks from Nora Wakeman in the Timeless Stardial; granting you permanent upgrades that can be used in each run. You can only equip one by default, but you can use more Splats to unlock more Perk slots; up to 6 in total.